Letra Look At You de Screaming Trees

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Her ghost hides
In my mind
In the night
In a way she's haunting me
I'm wanting her still
Thru rose colored skies
Or blue, blue moonlight
There's miracles on high
She's walking by

When I look at you i've got a second chance
Really need to have you now
One by one they fall it always breaks me down

The quiet
Cuts me thru
The candle burnt
The knife has turned
The pain withers
Alive I know deep inside

When I look at you i've got a second chance
Really need to take it now
One by one they fall it always breaks me down

Her ghost hides
In my eyes
In the night
In a way she's haunting me
I'm wanting her still
Thru rose colored skies
Or blue, blue moonlight
There's miracles on high
She's walking by
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
When I look at you i've got a second chance
Really need to have you now
One by one they fall it always breaks me down (x3)