Letra Love Is Like Oxigen (Sweet) de Greatest Hits 70'S

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Love is like oxygen
You get too much
you get too high
Not enough and
you're gonna die
Love gets you high
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Time on my side
I got it all
I've heard that pride
Always comes before a fall
There's a rumour goin'
round the town
That you don't want me around
I can't shake off
my city blues
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/bMm ]
Every way I turn I lose
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Time is no healer
If you're not there
Lonely fever
Sad words in the air
Some things are
better left unsaid
I'm gonna spend my
days in bed
I'll walk the
streets at night
To be hidden by
the city lights
City lights
Love is like oxygen
. . .
Love is like oxygen