Letra Move Through Me de In Flames

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Consume the curse
That brings you down
A fading liar
Who wakes up alone

It's there in front of you

Invert this tragedy to come
And reclaim your future
This is a call to arms
One quest at a time

Feed the hunger
Climb on up
Repress the negative
You are not alone

It's there in front of you

Invert this tragedy to come
And reclaim your future
This is a call to arms
One quest at a time

Avoid the mould
Desperate you regress
Move through me
I'll be your triumph
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Invert this tragedy to come
And reclaim your future
This is a call to arms
One quest at a time