Letra Nice & Warm de Jonny Lang

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Can't wait to get back home
where the sun is always
nice and warm

Can't wait to get back home
where the sun is always
nice and warm

You know it's freezin' out here
and that howlin' wind sends a nasty chill through my bones

Oh you know I
shivered myself to sleep last night
the cold won't let me be
That's when I woke up and realized that
this ain't no place for me
and I can't
can't wait to get back home
where the sun is always nice and warm

You know it's freezin' out here
and that howlin' wind sends a nasty chill through my bones


Some good old friends got together
and they took me away
from this cold old alley babe
to a warm place I could stay
oh I can't
can't wait to get back home
where the sun is always nice and warm
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I'm so happy to see you all
and that old nasty chill is gone