Letra Night Of The Swords de The Crown

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

[Music & Lyrics by: M.Olsfelt]

Tonight we take revenge
Storming trough it all
Tonight we hunt you down
and let it all out!

Tonight no-one shall survive
With swords we come for your life
We'll never forgive - We'll never forget
Your dead eyes, sick shining no regret

Deny your past
Deny your guilt
Deny the halls of holocaust
Deny your past
Deny your guilt
Deny all things that you have done

Just try to deny your own fucking death!

Tonight nothing shall survive
of your weak and twisted lie
Tonight we will murder and burn
your made-up master race-shit
Tonight no-one shall be saved
With swords - We await
We'll never forgive - We'll never forget
Your dead eyes, sick shining filled with hate
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Tonight we take revenge
Storming trough it all
Tonight we hunt you down
and let it all out!