Letra One of my lies de Green Day

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When I was younger I thought the world circled around me
But in time I realized I was wrong
My immortal thoughts turned into just dreams of a dead future
It was a tragic case of my reality

Do you think you're indestructable
And no one can touch you
Well I think you're disposeable
And it's time you knew the truth...

Cause it's just one of my lies!
Well, its just its just one of my lies
And all I wanted to was get real high
Well, its just its just one of my lies

Why does my life have to be so small?
Yet death is forever
And does forever have a life to call its own?
Don't give me an answer cause you
Only know as much as I know
Unless you're been there once
Well I hardly think so

Do you think you're indestructable
And no one can touch you
Well I think you're disposeable
And it's time you knew the truth...

Cause it's just one of my lies!
Well, its just its just one of my lies
And all I wanted to was get real high
Well, its just its just one of my lies
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I used to pray all night
Before I lay myself down
My mother said it was right
Her mother said it too...