Letra Payphone de M2m

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Just cry
You don't have to hide it from me
Rely on me
Just cry
Even if you don't know why
Rely on me

That's what you said, but I don't know
I'm walking here so all alone
I wanna hear your voice right now
I'm looking for it all around
I really need to find a payphone

Just smile
You don't have to hide it from me
Come dance with me
Just smile
Even if you don't know why
Come dance with me

That's what you said, but I don't know
I'm walking here so all alone
I wanna hear your voice right now
I'm looking for it all around
I really need to find a payphone

I know you can't smile those tears away
I know you can't smile those tears away
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
That's what you said, but I don't know
I'm walking here so all alone
I wanna hear your voice right now
I'm looking for it all around
I really need to find a payphone