Letra Prisoners of today de Billy Talent

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I never bite off more than i could chew
But then she came and bit me
I never bite off more than i could chew
But then she bit my leg
She said don't wanna work i wanna play and live my life like it was sunday
The only problem is that sunday only comes now once a week and i'm a freak but....

we're breaking up the city
no time for wasting away
so tell me why should i stay
a prisoner of today

My body's tight my soul's excited and i wish that i was gifted
My body's tight my souls excited and i wish i had some spunk
I wanna run i wanna hide and leave this place Just like it left me
The only problem is i need to find the balls to follow through and that's the truth but....

we're breaking up the city
no time for wasting away
so tell me why should i stay a prisoner of today
no time for one another no time for one another no time for one another no time for one another....

But this is our time this is our time this is our time and our place
History i history i history i can't erase
This is our time this is our time this is our Time and our place...
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Were breaking up the city
no time for wasting away
So tell me why should i stay a prisoner.