Letra Resurrection de Godgory

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I ran too far
fought too hard and lived too fast
broke me down, tore me up
So I buried myself
deep down in the blackest hole
ther I slept, There I wept
(all) these tears I shed
slowly healed my bleeding soul
(it) takes a fall to rise again
Inside of me
I'm ready to grow young again
start the fire in this heart of ice

The time is right for me again so lift your eyes up to the sky
You'll see me dancing on the winds again

No more tears for me
Sweet flame come for me
bring life to empty eyes

Tears from heaven fall
the fallen angels dance before my eyes
as I reach out from this womb
God save this world
I will walk upon it again
I will breathe, I will live

The time is right for me again so lift your eyes up to the sky
You'll see me dancing on the winds again
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
No more tears for me
Sweet life come unto me
I will be once again