Letra Running out of days de 3 Doors Down

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There's too much work and I'm spent
There's too much pressure and I admit
I got no time to move ahead
Have you heard one thing that I've said

And all these little things in life they all create this haze
There's too many things to get done, and I'm running out of days

And I can't last here for so long
I feel this current it's so strong
It gets me further down the line
It gets me closer to the line

And all these little things in life they all create this haze
There's too many things to get done, and I'm running out of days

All these little things in life they all create this haze
There's too many things to get done, and I'm running out of days
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Will all these little things in life they all create this haze
And now I'm running out of time I can't see through this haze
My friend tell me why it has to be this way
There's too many things to get done, and I'm running out of days