Letra Sangreal de Septic Flesh

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

There's a sacred ancient cup
Filled with royal bluish blood

Sangreal, how real

In a family of light
Darkest secrets hide from eyes

Sangreal, how real

The elder blood
Still runs on the veins
The modern body
A cup from our skin

Dragon share your mystic soul
With your children
Make them strong

Sangreal, how real

In a family of light
Darkest secrets hide from eyes

Sangreal, how real

Immortal show your fangs
Reveal your hungry faces
Blood needs blood
Flesh needs flesh
Life for life, soul for soul


There is no hope
For the followers of lies
There is no hope
For the weak in the mind

Sangreal, how real
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com