Letra Saturday Night de Sqeezer

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Hey, Saturday night,
hoo, Saturday night,


Saturday night - I want to love somebody
Saturday night - I ain't got nobody
then I see you, who's dancing on a party
Saturday I'm falling in love,
on a Saturday night

hey, Saturday night,
hoo, Saturday night,
hey, Saturday night,

Go go go for Saturday night
Sunday morning and I feel allright
Monday, monday - all I want today:
I pray for Saturday
go go go for Saturday night
Tuesday time is not on my side
Wednesday - three more days to fight
until it's Saturday night


Na na na...

Do do - it's a Saturday
do do - please don't go away
do do - I want you to stay
and do do it with you
on a Saturday night

Hey hey hey,
baby come my way
it's just another [beep] Thursday
but can I make you feel okay,
let's make a date for Saturday
hey hey hey,
can I make you stay?
weekend please don't run away
Friday, Friday feel alright -
tomorrow's Saturday night

We could feast and run away

Saturday night, wooo,
Saturday night, wooo
Saturday night, wooo
Saturday night, wooo,
on a Saturday night


Na na na...
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
on a Saturday night