Letra Seasons of love de Rentcompany

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Seasons Of Love - RENTCOMPANY

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Moments so dear
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets
In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee
In Inches - In Miles
In Laughter - In Strife

In - Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure
A Year In The Life?

How About Loooooooove?
How About Loooooooove?
How About Loooooooove?
Measure In Love

Seasons of Loooooove.

soloist #1
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Journeys To Plan

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure The Life
Of A Woman Or A Man?

In Truths That She Learned
Or In Times That He Cried
In Bridges He Burned
Or The Way That She Died

It's Time Now - To Sing Out
Though The Story Never Ends
Let's Celebrate
Remember A Year In The Life Of Friends

Remember the Loooooooove
Remember the Loooooooove
Remember the Loooooooove
Measure In Love
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Measure, Measure Your Life In Love
Seasons Of Love...
Seasons Of Love