Letra Seven de Sunny Day Real Estate

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Sew it on
Face the fool
Decembers tragic drive
When time is poetry
And stolen the world outside
The waiting crush my heart

Sew it on
Face the fool
The tide breaks a wave of fear
And brave songs disappear
The secret voice of dawn
This last time
Raise my eyes

Youll taste it
Youll taste it
When you die (4x)

The right words
In time
The right words
In time

Sew it on
Face the fool
The mirrors lie
Those arent my eyes
Destroy them
Raise my hand
Reflects in savage shards
A new face, soul reborn

Youll taste it
Youll taste it
When you die (4x)
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
The right words
In time
The right words
In time