Letra She got me de Bruno mars

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I gotta find my way out of this bill, you got me into,
My baby's sleepin and the night is dead,
It's like in dreamin that walls are closing in on me,
I just wanna know that your okay...

I wanna find out why, you choose to stay, baby,..
You got me going crazy...

Ooo... my baby say I'll be oh... no... that she'd let me
breathe outside my words, ooo... my baby say I'll be
oh... no... that she'd let me breathe it like a creamy note...

Everyday's the same, your word, life, when all you come
and goes in me, I keep seeing that, your all brown hair
and your white wedding gown, baby I'm missing you...

I wanna find out why, you choose to stay oh,.. oh ya,..
ooo... my baby say I'll be oh... no... that she'd let
me breathe outside my words, ooo... my baby say I'll be
oh... no... that she'd let me breathe it like a creamy note...

I can't stop this, all this dating mood, I got to my
time... I ooo... I can't get, I don't wanna get this way,
see from his misery...

I wanna find out why, you choose to stay, baby,.. you
got me going crazy...

Ooo... my baby say I'll be oh... no... that she'd let me
breathe outside my words, ooo... my baby say I'll be oh...
no... that she'd let me breathe it like a creamy note...

I promise to love ya, hold ya, even when time got hard and
I can still see us being forever, but now weir falling apart...
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I wanna find out why, you choose to stay, baby... you got
me, ooo... my baby say I'll be oh... no... that she'd let
me breathe outside my words, ooo... my baby say I'll be
oh... no... that she'd let me breathe it like a creamy note...