Letra Silent de Violet Indiana

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Tired of the emptiness
Fakeness trying to justify
Reasons they repulse you now
Casualties stamped on their knees
Dismiss them now
'Cause you miss me now
Should've thought about me
When you were feeling free

So over you
Whatever you do
Don't think I need any part of you
So over you
Whatever you do
Don't think I need any part of you

Need all the best of you
The falseness I despise in you
I cried in you while you slept in me
You crept in me, decieving me,
Dispense the truth
While you walk away
What you done won't just walk away
It's coming to haunt you
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
So over you
Whatever you do
Don't think I need any part of you
So over you
Whatever you do
Don't think I need any part of you