Letra Silhouettes de Avicci

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Press play, fast forward
Non stop we have the beaten path before us
It was all there, in plain sight
Come on people, we have all seen the sunshine
We will never get back to
To the old school
To the old rounds, it's all about the new found
We are the newborn, the one who wanna bounce
(We are the future and we are here to stay)

We've come a long way since that day
And we will never look back, at the faded silhouette
We've come a long way since that day

We've come a long way since that day
And when you never look back At the faded silhouette

Straight ahead on the pathway before us
Day by day, soon the change will come
Don't you know we took big step forward
Just either way
We're gonna pull the trigger

We will never get back to
To the old school
To the old rounds, it's all about the new found
We are the newborn, the one who wanna bounce
(We are the future and we are here to stay)

We've come a long way since that day
And we will never look back, at the faded silhouette
We've come a long way since that day
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
We've come a long way since that day
And we will never look back