Letra Sleep Murray Ostril (They Don't Sleep Anymore On The Beach); Monheim; de Godspeed You Black Emperor

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It was coney island.
They called coney island the playground of the world. There was no place like it.... in the whole world,
like coney island when I was a youngster.
No place in the world like it.
it was so fabulous.
Now it shrunk down to almost nothing, you see.
And I still remember in my mind how things used to be and you know I feel very bad.
But people from all over the world came here.
From all over the world.
There was a playground, they called it the playground of the world...over here.
Anyways... I... uh... you know.
I even got... when I was... when I was very small,
I even got lost in coney island,
but they found me.... on the...on on... on the beach. And we used to sleep on the beach here,
sleep overnight.
They don't do it anymore,
things changed... see.
They don't sleep anymore on the beach.