Letra So Many People de Simply Red

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Where do you want to go?
Are you sure of the road that you're on?
Who do you want to be?
All I know is the world deserves to be free
Let's pretend we're staring from the moon
Love is not only for the human

Look at the world you know
Do toubelieve it will go on?
Where do you want to go?
The things we take will only last for so long
In the end you know it's up to you
Love is not only for the human

Oh man, we're so many people
Living different lives under turbulent times
Oh man, we don't know good from evil
Looking throug our eyes is the burden of our lives

Say can we tell for sure
The North and South will keep their snow on?
Say can the Earth endure
Do you really believe we can go on?
In the end you know it's up to you
Love is not only for the human
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Oh man, we're so many people
Living different lives under turbulent times
Oh man, we don't know good from evil
Looking throug our eyes is the burden of our lives
In the end God is the Universe
And the Univese is you