Letra Someday de Chris Cuevas & Debbie Gibson

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Chris Cuevas:
Girl, you know
That you are always on my mind
And you know
That I will be there
Right by your side...

Chris Cuevas:
Someday, we'll be together
And share this love forever
Someday we'll be together
And share this love forever

Debbie Gibson:
It's no fun
Living love in your mind
And it's just plain too late
When you're just plain out of time
I think, I wish, I hope, I pray
So now I'm gonna make it my reality

Chris Cuevas and Debbie Gibson:
Someday, we'll be together
And share this love forever
Someday we'll be together
And share this love forever
(Oh, girl)

Chris Cuevas and Debbie Gibson:
wo wo wo
wo wo wo

Chris Cuevas and Debbie Gibson:
Someday, we'll be together
And share this love forever
Someday we'll be together
And share this love forever
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Chris Cuevas and Debbie Gibson:
Someday, we'll be together
(We'll be together)
And share this love forever
Someday we'll be together
And share this love forever