Letra Someone Like You de Li

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I peer through windows,
Watch life go by,
Dream of tomorrow,
And wonder why
The past is holding me,
Keeping life at bay,
I wander lost in yesterday,
Wanting to fly
But scared to try.

But if someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
My heart would take wing,
And I'd feel so alive
If someone like you
Found me!

Too many secrets,
I long to share,
All I have needed,
Is someone there.
To help me see a world,
I've never seen before,
I long to open every door
To set me free,
So I can soar!

If someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly,
Nothing would ever be the same.
There'd be a new way to live,
A new life to learn,
If someone like you
Found me!
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Oh, if someone like you
Found someone like me,
Then suddenly
Nothing would ever be the same!
My heart would take wing,
And I'd feel so alive
If someone like you
Loved me...
fuente: musica.com