Letra Sometimes de Miami Horror

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

With eyes wide shut we lay stagnant awake
Safe for now in this wonderous state
Lost at a crossroad that?s missing a sign
How do we know if they made it alive

There?s something lurking in the distance ahead
Fragments of light shine away from the dead
They fantasise fury, no time left to stop.
Darkness approaching now we?re at a loss

Sometimes, when all that?s lost remains
Drink from the fountain of youth and never age, again
Sometimes we jump across to every cloud
Fly away, get lost and never be found
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
There?s something lurking from the shadows within
Stealing the colour and life from our skin
They fantasise fury at no extra cost,
Darkness approaches now we?re at a loss