C'era una volta un uomo
Con gli occhi verso la luna
E si chiedeva:
"Verrà presto l'amore?"
E che altro esiste
In un cuore gelato?
Tranne il pensiero
Di un assassinio molto silenzioso
Once upon a time there was a man
With his eyes towards the moon
And he wonder to himself:
"Will love come soon?"
And does something else exist
In a frozen heart?
Except the thought of a
Very silent murder
Liner Notes:
The scene is a smoky and dark cabaret in a slightly sleazy part of town. A strong smell of spirits abound as the sultry singer foretells our main character's fate.
Thomas: Cinzia Rizzo nailed this performance! Being of Italian descent we were very fortunate to have her for the role. The Karma Gods have spoken again! The words in the title translates to; A Very Silent Murder.