Letra Spiritual Healing de Death Spiritual Healing

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Always blocking the doors to your mind
Escaping the reality that surrounds you
Using faith as an excuse to kill
A sick way of life is now revealed

All the prayers in the world can't help you now
A killer a taker of life is what you are

Preach the good word
Speak no more, prepare to burn
A justified torture?
From this may others learn
The life you took a holy death, a grave mistake
No changing your mind, your life you should pay

Practice what you preach
Your loved one is now deceased
Knowledge is at our hands
Never to understand

Spiritual healing
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Blinded by the twisted ways you live
Kill for religion, will the Lord forgive?
Idiocy has stricken your mind
A real-life hell you will find