Letra Tell me why de Amna

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Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me
To love me hight
Please tell me why, tell me why

Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me
To love me hight
Please tell me why, tell me why

Now when I saw you first time
You got into my mind
Baby I want you to know
With every thing I see
With every word I say
I love you more and more every day

Now tell me why
You said goodbye
Now tell me why
You said goodbye
Now tell me why
You said goodbye

Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me
To love me hight
Please tell me why, tell me why

Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me
To love me hight
Please tell me why, tell me why

Now when I saw you first time
You got into my mind
Baby I want you to know
With every thing I see
With every word I say
I love you more and more every day

Now tell me why
You said goodbye
Now tell me why
You said goodbye
Now tell me why
You said goodbye

Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me
To love me hight
Please tell me why, tell me why
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Please tell me why, you said goodbye
And then you come back to me
To love me hight
Please tell me why, tell me why