Letra The Hunt For Vengeance de Thronar

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Like shadows they moved, he had broken his oath
His new name: "He Who Knows No Fear"
Now a warrior of Shara Kondor
Crimnor Valora was no more

You will wear the colour of the night to honour your forefathers
You are Shara Kondor, strong and brave
I will wear the colour of the night to honour my forefathers
I am Shara Kondor, strong and brave

Like shadows they moved, he had broken his oath
His new name: "He Who Knows No Fear"
Now a warrior of Shara Kondor
Crimnor Valora was no more

Born for battle, I will die in battle
Born for battle, I will die in battle

After my death a cheering crowd will welcome me in the halls of the creator of steel
They will raise their pints and bless me for my glorious battles

Born for battle, I will die in battle
Born for battle, I will die in battle

Lord of steel, may this last battle be one to remember
I will die laughing and without fear

Under another name, under another god
They hunted and destroyed Gorodar
Outnumbered by far they attacked in the night
A battle won by pure strength

This will be my last battle
Before I enter the halls of heroes
Where a cheering crowd will welcome me
And praise my glorious death

Enter the halls of heroes
Praise my glorious death

Born for battle, I will die in battle
Born for battle, I will die in battle

After my death a cheering crowd will welcome me in the halls of the creator of steel
They will raise their pints and bless me for my glorious battles

Born for battle, I will die for battle
Born for battle, I will die for battle
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Lord of steel, may this last battle be one to remember
I will die laughing and without fear