Letra The Match de Asking Alexandria

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Gather round my friends
I need a match and only one match
I think it's time I make my own way
I'm turning my back on this city and I'm not looking back
You'll never hear my name without your chest in flames

I'll make my own mistakes
Even though I never learn
I'm running from myself
If only you could see behind my eyes

Get up, get up
Get on your fucking feet

I'll make my own mistakes
Even though I never learn
I'm running from myself
If only you could see behind my eyes

Follow me now I could use some company
Bring your friends and we'll burn the city to the ground
Burn the temples
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
The fires fill the skies as the smoke fills my lungs
What a beautiful notion
A single action brings this city to motion