Letra The Turn de M I A

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I don't read, yeah, I just guess
As the world turns
Don't bother me with your messs

I'm trying to do my best
Get my head up out the stress
When the money turns the world
Your lovin' turns to less

I learn by mistakes
Most of it is yours and
I'm done living life as a criminal
I thought I'd die young just to please the old
Now I teach the young, I'm victorial


I'd rather go on,
Go up and down
Turn myself all around
Then to stay down

I'd rather go on,
Go up and down
Turn myself all around
Then to stay down

The war in me makes a warrior
Like a pitbull gettin' with a terrior
I'm better off in North Korea
Yeah, droppin' from a barrel of a carrier

Coz I got enough to be more
It's hard enough to get more
I shut the door on everything
Just to let my head blow

Coz I got enough to be more
It's hard enough to get more
I shut the door on everything
Just to let my head blow


I'd rather go on,
Go up and down
Turn myself all around
Then to stay down

I'd rather go on,
Go up and down
Turn myself all around
Then to stay down

Picture this, a dull grey street in the train
Neon signs gonna shine though
Shorty you gonna shine though
Come up on ya treasure trove
Like the sun explode
Check up in the paper
In the mirror for ya horoscope

Walking on a tightrope
Go for something, I don't even know
Where to get it from
Sending out a signal
Smoke from a gun blow
As I knock off knock off
Things that I don't want.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com