Letra The Way To There de Au Revoir Simone

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

The snow is white enough
And the night is black enough
It makes it seem innocent
It makes it seem innocent

The wind is making you
And the cold is making you
It makes it seem innocent
It makes it seem innocent

If you feel
Compelled towards me
Then it's just gravity
The seconds
Stretch to days
Because time was
Made that way

Dark nights are moving fast
Becoming moments past
While the air is thin
Daring, while you still can

If you feel
Compelled towards me
Then it's just gravity
The seconds
Stretch to days
Because time was
Made that way
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
From every point in space
We've come to this place
So how can it not be fate
When we were made this way