Letra To love somebody de Billy Corgan

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there´s a light
a certain kind of light
that never shone on me
I want my life to be
lived with you, lived with you
there´s a way
everybody said
to do each and every little thing
but what does it bring
if I a´int got you, a´int got you

you don´t know what it´s like
you don´t know what it´s like
to love somebody, to love somebody
the way I love you

it´s the same
I see your face again
I know my frame of mind
you a´int got to be so blind
am I so blind, blind to believe?
I´m a man
can´t you see
this is what I am
I live and breathe for you
but what good does it do, if I a´int got you?

you don´t know what it´s like
you don´t know what it´s like
to love somebody, to love somebody
the way I love you