Letra Waiting for someone de Jann Arden

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Busted down, outside of town
Had no gasoline
I should have fixed that thing
I should have fixed that thing

How can you go two hundred miles
Without seeing a single soul
I should have stuck on the main road
I should have stuck on the main road

Now I'm waiting, I am waiting
Now I'm waiting, I am waiting
If you saw my face right now
You'd say that I was crying
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not
I'm really smiling

If you saw my hands right now
You'd swear that they were shaking
They're not, they're not, they're not
They're only waving

'cause I am waiting, I waiting
I am waiting, I waiting
I am waiting, I waiting
For someone to come along

Heaven help anybody
The sun is going down
The sun is going down
The sun is going down
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I am waiting, I waiting
I am waiting, I waiting
I am waiting, I waiting
I am waiting, I waiting