Letra Way It Goes de Pus

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Wisconsin pines, collaborating with the day glow vibes
An altruistic breed of travel guide
It's chill, but Lord knows you're trying
Zombie kids love to hear that easy
Going shit
Grab a guitar and
Just moan and shit
It's cool
But Lord knows you're trying

That's the way it goes
That's the way it goes
It's so satisfying

You put your records on
Exclusively the old Pavement ones
A 90's soul with Doc Martens on
A step, a step away from crying
Degenerate, counter-culture, crying socialist
Hip-to-lazed crazed abstractionists
We're weird, but Lord knows we're trying

That's the way it goes
That's the way it goes
It's so satisfying
That's the way it goes
That's the way it goes
One step away from crying

Well that's the way it goes
That's the way it goes
Yeah-eh-eh that's the way it goes
That's the way it goes

That's the way it goes
That's the way it goes
It's so satisfying
Yeah-eh-eh that's the way it goes
That's the way it goes
One step away from crying
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
fuente: musica.com