Letra You are not here de Jaci Velasquéz

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Why do I think of You
Far beyond my reach
Why can't I comprehend
The love you have for me
God all of the universe
Of earth and sky and sea
Your desire to own my heart
Is such a mystery

You're not there
Way out there
Wandering in Your great unknown
You are here ever near
In my heart You've found a home
You are living
You are breathing
I dan feel Your presence in me

All the prayers
To the saints
Every votive burned
But now I know
From within
Your loving voice is heared

You've sent Your Spirit
The promised One
To be with me forever

Repeat chorus
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
You are living
You are breathing
You are loving
I am needing