Letra You got me rocking de Rolling Stones

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I was a butcher cutting up meat
My hands were bloody I´m dying on my feet
I was a surgeon ´till I start to shake
I was a falling ´till you put on the brakes

Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now

I was a pitcher down in a slump
I was a fighter taken for a sucker punch
Feeling bad I guess I lost my spring
I was the boxer who can´t get in the ring

Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey there ain´t no stopping me
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now

I was a hooker losing her looks
I was a writer can´t write another book
I was all dried up dying to get wet
I was a tycoon drowning in debt
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey there ain´t no stopping me
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now
Hey, hey you got me rocking now