Letra On And On (When The Lights Go Down) de Akcent

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I was so crazy all the time I made you cry
You walked away and never said goodbye
On and on, on and on
I guess I lost you, now you?re gone

I try to hide the pain but all I see is you
How can I do it, I don?t have a clue
On and on, on and on
I guess I lost you, now you?re gone

Stay with me, with me, with me, with me
On and on
Baby, baby when the lights go down
Stay with me, with me, with me, with me
On and on
Baby, baby when the lights go down

I was so crazy all the time I made you cry
You walked away and never said goodbye
On and on, on and on
I guess I lost you, now you?re gone

I try to hide the pain but all I see is you
How can I do it, I don?t have a clue
On and on, on and on
I guess I lost you, now you?re gone

Stay with me, with me, with me, with me
On and on,
Baby, baby when the lights go down
Stay with me, with me, with me, with me
On and on
Baby, baby when the lights go down
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Stay with me, with me, with me, with me
On and on
Baby, baby when the lights go down
Stay with me, with me, with me, with me
On and on,
Baby, baby when the lights go down