Letra Thats My Name (Original Mix) (Bpm 128) de Akcent

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All the time I thought about you
I saw your eyes and they were so blue
I could read there just one name
My name, my name, my name
Because of you I`m flying higher
You give me love, you set on fire
You keep me warm when you call my name
That`s my name, that`s my name, that`s my name

(And you are the one that lights the fire
I am the one who takes you higher
I lose my voice when you say my name
That`s my name, that`s my name, that`s my name)

And you are the one that lights the fire
I am the one who takes you higher
I lose my voice when you say my name
That`s my name, that`s my name, that`s my name

(It`s my name, it`s my name, it`s my name ?)

All the time I thought about you
I saw your eyes and they were so blue
I could read there just one name
My name, my name, my name
Because of you I`m flying higher
You give me love, you set on fire
You keep me warm when you call my name
That`s my name, that`s my name, that`s my name

(And you are the one that lights the fire
I am the one who takes you higher
I lose my voice when you say my name
That`s my name, that`s my name, that`s my name)

And you are the one that lights the fire
I am the one who takes you higher
I lose my voice when you say my name
That`s my name, that`s my name, that`s my name
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
(It`s my name, it`s my name, it`s my name ?)