Letra A Lifetime de Ziggy Marley

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Oh a lifetime isn't enough to love you
and a lifetime isn't enough to live
oh a lifetime isn't enough to love you
and one lifetime isn't enough to live

I may be different than you, criticized for what I do
I chose to explore the truth, the truth of me
and I won't be afraid on that day
I stand on my feet, because I am yeah
took the risk the chance just to understand
well I been cold, bold, selfish, misunderstood
like the lamb I will sacrifice to find you

( Chorus )

Been around so many people, without you I'm always alone
gazing into space, my existence unknown
I don't want to be here, I wanna be near
I stand on my feet, because I am yeah
took the risk the chance just to understand
well I been cold, bold, selfish, misunderstood
like the lamb I will sacrifice to find you

( Chorus )

Am I so different than you, criticized for what I do
I chose to explore the truth, the truth of you
and I won't be afraid on that day
I stand on my feet, because I am yeah
took the risk the chance just to understand

( Chorus )
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Hey a lifetime isn't enough to love you
and one lifetime isn't enough to live