Letra True to myself de Ziggy Marley

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life has come a long way since yesterday(i say)
and it's not the same old thing over again (i say)
just do what you feel and don't you fool of yourself (i say)
cause i can't make you happy unless i am (i say , isay)
got to be true to myself (4)

they 're in and they 're out . i 've asked many questions (i say)
only to find the truth it never changes(i say)
if you don't deal with it, it keeps killing you a little by little (i say)call me selfish if you will my life i alone can live (i say, i say)
chorus (2)
i don't care if it hurts
i'm tired of lazing all these games
i've reached a point in life
hey , no longer can i be this way
don't come crying to me
i too have shed my share of tears
i'm moving on , yes i'm grooving on
hey well i finally free am
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com