Letra Friend de Ziggy Marley

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I wanna thank you for the things you've done
I wanna thank you for your generosity
and I'll never be alone, that's because, that's because you are my friend
that's because, that's because you are my friend

Been through thick and thin together
through the ups and downs, yet we still remain
and I can talk to you forever

( Chorus )

Before I met you, I was real low, now everyone know
now that I know you hey I'm real high
I wanna thank you for the day and nights
I wanna thank you for the breath of life
without you I'd be lost

( Chorus )
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Just as long, just as long as you're my friend
just as long, just as long as you're my friend
that's because you are my friend, you are my friend