Letra A time for love de Jamie Cullum

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A time for summer skies
For hummingbirds and butterflies
For tender words that harmonize with love

A time for climbing hills
For leaning out of windowsills
Admiring daffodils above

A time for holding hands together
A time for rainbow coloured weather
A time of make believe that we´ve been dreaming of

As time goes drifting by
The willow bends and so do I
But all my friends whatever skies above
I know a time for spring
A time for fall
But best of all
A time for love

A time for holding hands together
A time for rainbow coloured weather
A time of make believe that we´ve been dreaming of

As time goes drifting by
The willow bends and so do I
But all my friends whatever skies above
I know a time for spring
A time for fall
But best of all
A time for love