Letra Appropriate Ending de The Electric Soft Parade

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Something hit a nerve in me, shook me like a busy theory
Believed in you for all these years, never saw a time that we?d be
backing out of foreign towns / we're definitely up the wrong tree
And picking off the innocent / all the while you couldn't see

We gave you the world; you're unhappy
Still you don't listen to me
Must be I said the words a little too fast
Or the fact that our opposites are polar

Sparks are flying day and night
if only 'cause we're out of favour
A time will come around again, friend
and then we'll be right back where

it started with another me
shaking like busy theory
Believing you for all these years
and never with a need to worry

We gave you the world; you're unhappy
Still you don't listen to me
Must be I said the words a little too fast
Or the fact that our opposites are polar
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
You threw away the world / now you're happy
And you're always talking to me
Must be said that my world's a little smaller
but for now, there is colour in my corner of it