Letra If That's The Case Then I Don't Know de The Electric Soft Parade

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

If it?s a miracle or a cure is it alright for me to be unsure?
And if it?s early then it?s sad, but too bad
If that?s the case, then I don?t know ? this is about as deep as I go
If it?s an area or a time, then I?m there

Then just before you realised, they shut you back inside
Our lives they may be miniature, but they are lives, lives just the same

He said, ?I?ve an idea for a life ? to break free of all this and get right
I know it?s far-fetched and it?s sad, but too bad
And if it?s alright with you now, I?ll get as far away as I can somehow
and if you?re mobile you should come. Would be fun?
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
(repeat chorus)