Letra Arrow de Candlebox

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She don't have a name
She don't have a face
Never had much of anything
Yes I see you and I fall from grace

She don't have the line
She don't have the time
Never had much of anything
Yes I see you
I point too
You waste me
You want oh my my

Still she don't have a name
She don't have a face
Never had much anything
Yes I see you and I fall from grace
She don't have the line
She don't have the time
Never had much of anything
Yes I see you
You point too
You waste me
You want me oh my, my
And I'm losing you again now

No, No, No, No
Feel you slip right down now
Something's on my mind
I can't find the time
Someone's got arrow
Someone's got arrow
Something's on my mind I wanna tell you but that I can't find the time
I wanna feel it
Someone's got arrow
Someone's got arrow

If there's one thing you feel I should tell you before I go
I won't
If there's one thing you feel I should tell you I move it along
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Arrow, yeah
Yeah, yeah, now now
I feel I'm losing you again now
No, no, no, no
Feel you slip right down now
Something's on my mind
I can't find the time
Someone's got arrow
Someone's got arrow
Something's on my mind I wanna tell you but that I can't find the time
I wanna feel it
Someone's got arrow
Someone's got arrow