Letra Bad Things de L7

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I suppose I should say a few words here
Let it all out
Try to let it all out

I like the sign with the blinking light
I like the sign it makes me feel alright
I like the lights yeah they?re soothing me
I like the lights when they get blurry

But something out there?s messing with me
A strange dose of reality

I had some things I had to do today
I had some things my head got in the way
I thought a drive might make it okay
I thought a drive would take it all away

I can?t shake what?s hanging over me
I can?t shake it this brain freeze
Something out there?s messing with me
Bad things come in more than threes

Bad things bad things
I just wanna
Bad things, bad things
I wanna wanna
Bad things, bad things
Come on, I wanna
Bad things, bad things
I just wanna feel good
And I feel so bad

I like the sound of the urban din
I like the sound it fits the mood I?m in
The city plays it?s manic song
The city plays I want to sing along

I can?t shake what?s hanging over me
I can?t shake it this brain freeze
Bad things keep happening to me
Bad things come in more than threes

Bad things, bad things
I just wanna..
Bad things, bad things
I wanna, wanna..
Bad things, bad things
Come on I wanna..
Bad things, bad things
I just wanna feel good

I had some things I had to do today
I had some things my head got in the way
I can?t shake what?s hanging over me
I just can?t shake what?s hanging over me
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Bad things bad things
I just wanna..
Bad things, bad things
I wanna, wanna
Bad things, bad things
Come on I wanna..
Bad things, bad things
I just wanna feel good