Letra Pretend We're Dead 1992 de L7

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Puntaje: 4,00/5. Total votos: 1

What's up with what's going down
In every city, in every town
Cramping styles is the plan
They've got us in the palm of every hand

When we pretend that we're dead
When we pretend that we're dead
They can't hear a word we've said
When we pretend that we're dead

Turn the tables with our unity
They neither moral nor majority
Wake up and smell the coffee
Or just say no to individuality

When we pretend that we're dead
When we pretend that we're dead
They can't hear a word we've said
When we pretend that we're dead
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Come on, come on, come on come on
When we pretend that we're dead
When we pretend that we're dead
They can't hear a word we've said
When we pretend that we're dead