Letra Deathmask Divine de The Black Dahlia Murder

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Removal of the eyes gives my heart a saddened chill
I preserve them in formaldehyde to gaze upon at will
How their greenish flecks befell me that starlit winter's night
How I lost all that I ever was while locked within their sight.

Before you sits a broken man with your fragile pinkish heart in hand
Peculiar how it can hurt so bad while love is only in the mind
I sew the gaping chestwork, each thread is made with love
The bosom where I would rest my face is covered in your blood.

No! This is not the end, you'll live on eternally
Oh! Lord it's not the end, my secret you'll forever be
I interrupt this transformation, a familiar lust swelling in me
A long and soulful kiss, the shades are drawn the living world can't see
The coil of entrails, how curious the smell, so pungent to my eager nostrils and further compelled
No! No, it's not the end, forever you'll be in my arms.

I could never let you go
My darling cold and blue
I wonder are you dreaming still
Spread eagle, blood removed
I weave the sucking trocar beneath your bruising skin
Tonight I'll lay beside you, darling, in necromantic sin.

Pinned to the bed sheets like a prized butterfly, you're mine
I hear your voice so precious echoing deeply inside
I did my best to love you while you did live and breathe
This taxidermy trophy of the bereaved.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I could never let you go
My darling cold and blue
I wonder are you dreaming still
Spread eagle, blood removed
I weave the sucking trocar beneath your bruising skin
Tonight I'll lay beside you, darling, in necromantic sin.