Letra I'm Charming de The Black Dahlia Murder

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Yeah I'm running off the rails
I've finally gone crazy
And the ground is spinning faster than my teeth could ever grind

I know it's a shame when success does complain
But I can't remember my name
In the absolute wrong I have made this place to lay my head
A reocurring nightmare
I never trust I never rest

I've become another victim of this self-serving device
My cock does all the talking my mouth now just for lie

I'm winding down to nothing
It suddenly comes clear
I'm winding down to nothing
Human smoke that fills the air

What can you believe
That is the question
I have you on a string
Something yet up my sleeve

Bury me deep, as we have an unborn child
In this world yet cold enough
To host this seed of endless ugliness


In a sea of corruption
A wake of lie
So wildly I have stirred

I'm winding down to nothing
It suddenly comes clear
I'm winding down to nothing
Human smoke that fills the air

What can you believe
That is the question
I have you on a string
Something yet up my sleeve
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
(My love is but a lie)
I'm always reaping what I've sown
(Taking you down with me)
To what degrees you'll never know