Letra Drop The Bomb de Ddr

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Sorry, but I like the music louder...)

Yeah drop the bomb! Just drop the bomb! Yeah drop the bomb!

1, 2, 3, 4

Getting sick and tired of the fossil-like system,
now or never it's the time to resist 'em,
it's easy to blast them all away,
pull a trigger push a button say ADIOS today,
don't get me wrong I'm a pacifist,
the mind can do more than the fist.

Explosives are not what it takes,
You know, terrorists always make these mistakes,
what we gotta do is build momentum,
if you need the right tools invent 'em,
ride the wave of time come feel the rhythm,
the march to the future has begun get with'em,
the brain is the generator of almighty power
either do it now or your master plan goes sour.

Yes, are you ready to take that fall?
It's up to you to make that call to drop the bomb!
Yeah drop the bomb! Just drop the bomb! Let me see that bomb!


What we gotta do is build momentum,
if you need the right tools invent 'em,
ride the wave of time come feel the rhythm,
the march to the future has begun get with'em,
the brain is the generator of almighty power
either do it now or your master plan goes sour.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Yes, are you ready to take that fall?
It's up to you to make that call
(and if it dont work then make the real thing wipe it out)
So drop the bomb!
Yeah drop the bomb! Just drop the bomb! Let me see that bomb!