Letra La Señorita de Ddr

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(La senorita - Captain.T)

Sitting in the corner
With a coffee cup
Reading the newspaper
Not looking up
She smiles as she find
Something funny there
The sunlight
Shining in her hair

When she leaves you want to
Follow her anywhere
Her dress is too tight
But you can't let her see you stare

And she's a
Hot one, a halepena
Ooh la Senorita
You never get close enough
To la Senorita

You know she has a mind
She has an attitude
And she likes her space
And her solitude
She'll tease you or please you
If she's feeling good
Or burn you
Like you knew she would

When she smiles
It's like the sun shining on your face
Pulling and stretching
Her leather and lace
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
And she's a
Hot one, a halepena
Ooh la Senorita
In Baha, California
Ooh la Senorita
Ooh la Senorita