Letra Early Grave de Architects

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I've been out for so long,
Days slipped by again,
I can't sleep since I stopped caring;
I can't sleep since I stopped caring.

I'll stay out until my lungs bleed,
And I can't tell daylight from streetlights any-fucking-more;
As he cast his shadow.

I've seen this road a thousand times and I, I can't look back.
I've seen this road a thousand times and I can't, I'm not looking back.

This is unfamiliar, death is no man's friend;
Yet I'll stay here until I hear him roar.

Death is screaming my name but I refuse to listen to him
I refuse to listen to him.
I refuse, I refuse, I refuse to listen.

I'll stay out until my lungs bleed,
And I can't tell daylight from streetlights any-fucking-more;
As he cast his shadow.

I've seen this road a thousand times and I, I can't look back.
I've seen this road a thousand times and I can't, I'm not looking back.

I can't sit here forever
(Watch me rise again; Watch me rise back up)
Forever would be just be so easy to fall into
But still I'll stay out until my lungs bleed
Forever is the easy option but I won't take it, I won't take it.

The choices I've made will lead me to an early fucking grave.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Death is screaming, death is screaming;
Death is screaming my fucking name.